Cashflow Accelerator

More Leads, More Sales, More Growth

Unleash the HOLY GRAIL of cash-making mojo. Craft offers so irresistible, they should come with a warning label. Create content that makes people want to throw money at their screens. Build an empire so legendary, even your high school bully will want to friend you on Facebook. This isn't just a roadmap, it's your golden ticket to the "Holy Crap, I'm Rich" express.

You're Only Three Steps Away From Swimming in Sales
(Like Scrooge McDuck, But With Less Feathers)


Step 1

Offer Creation

Cook up an idea so tasty, people will think you're selling the secret to eternal youth (Spoiler: You're not. That's illegal.)


Step 2

Ad Creation

Attract leads like moths to a flame, minus the whole "burning up" part. We're talking serious magnetic mojo here.


Step 3


Stop hemorrhaging leads faster than I lose socks in the laundry. Let's turn those tire-kickers into die-hard fans.


Sales Pipeline: Where Dreams Come True (and Wallets Open Wide)

  • Get a FREE GHL Account - Because Juggling Conversations is for Clowns, Not Closers Tired of playing "Where's Waldo?" with your client messages? We'll herd all those conversational cats into one place. It's like Tinder, but for your business. Swipe right on success!
  • Plays nice with Facebook, Instagram, Google My Business, SMS, Phone Calls, Email, & Webchat. It's the Swiss Army Knife of communication, minus the weird little toothpick.
  • One app to rule them all. Communicate with leads faster than you can say "Why didn't I do this sooner?"
  • Centralize client communication. Because "I lost that message" is so last season.




Connect with customers one-on-one

With SMS you can have 1-on-1 conversations with customers for a more personal experience


Bring All of Your Leads To One Place

Send targeted emails that reach the right people at the right time


Nurture Leads To Buy Automatically

Detect where your customers are in the sales process & automatically reach out to them to increase your conversion rates


Turn Calls Into Revenue

Automatically call leads with the press of a button & increase your chances of making a sale

1. Bring All of Your Leads To One Place

Automate email campaigns that turn "meh" into "shut up and take my money." Send emails so targeted, your leads will think you're psychic.

2. Nurture Leads To Buy Automatically

Like a mind-reading robot, but less creepy and more profitable. Send the right message at the right time, every time. It's like having a sales team that never sleeps, eats, or asks for a raise.

3. Turn Calls Into Revenue

Press a button, make a sale. It's not magic, it's just really, really smart tech. Focus on selling, not playing phone tag.

4. Never Let An Opportunity Go

Follow up like a lovesick teenager, but way less annoying and way more effective. Keep all your customer info in one place, because your brain has better things to do. Like figuring out how to spend all this new revenue.

Cashflow Accelerator

Remember, in the world of sales, Alphaleads isn't just a tool. We're the whole damn toolbox. And we're ready to build your empire, one irresistible offer at a time.

Make sales on the go with our mobile app

  • Get real-time notifications straight to your phone
  • Chat with your clients & leads right from the app

Never miss another opportunity again!