Terms of Service

This CLIENT SERVICES AGREEMENT (“Agreement”) is entered into and becomes effective on this 24 day of 6, 2024 ​​​​​(“Effective Date”) between
Royal Reputation LLC, DBA as Alphaleads (“Company”), A Florida limited liability company, with principal offices located in Florida, and the undersigned client (“Client”). Company and Client, collectively, are sometimes herein referred to jointly as “Parties”, and individually, as “Party”.


WHEREAS, Eric Grundhoefer ("Grundhoefer") is the owner of Company and has extensive expertise in education, skill, training, business connections and experience in lead generation, marketing, sales training, sales team building, and sales recruitment and client acquisition for businesses and individuals
(collectively, the Services”);

WHEREAS, Grundhoefer and/or the Company has created and owns the rights to certain intellectual property, including without limitation, trade secrets and proprietary systems, methods, techniques, classes, tutorials, instruction, courses and materials for marketing, consulting, business coaching, sales development, and materials for the Services (collectively, the “Proprietary Information”);WHEREAS,
Company offers the Services and marketing, image, consulting, coaching, and sales development of various businesses in several industries, which include utilizing the Proprietary Information.

NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing and the mutual agreements and covenants set forth here, the parties agree as follows:

Company has agreed to provide such Services as contemplated in this Agreement, Client has agreed to compensate Company for such Services, and the Parties have agreed to do so in accordance with the terms and conditions in this Agreement.



1. Business.
For purposes of this Agreement, “Business” means providing marketing, lead generation, sales training, sales team building and sales recruitment and client acquisition for coaches, consultants, agencies to businesses or business professionals online or in person, that are provided under this Agreement and are not otherwise publicly available or known by Client prior to the date of this Agreement.

2. Commencement.
Company shall commence Services on the Effective Date of this Agreement. Client’s obligations set forth in the Agreement shall commence on the Effective Date of this Agreement.

3. Termination.
All sales are final. The client is expected to participate and follow the instructions and guidance given by the account manager. For services such as consulting and done for you services, refunds are not offered and are at the discretion of Company.

4. Disclosure.
Client understand that he/she/it needs to have access to the Internet and an email address to receive my assignments. Client also understand that his/her/its personal success from this program will be a result of his/her/its own efforts. Client further acknowledge that individual results vary based on backgrounds, education, and experience. Client has based his/her/its decision to purchase on my own desire and not on any express or implied earnings claims.

5. Confidential Information.
For purposes of this Agreement, “Confidential Information” means information possessed by Company relating to the Business, and its business activities which is used or is useful in the conduct of Company’s business, or which confers or tends to confer a competitive advantage over one who does not possess the information. Confidential Information includes copyrights, trade secrets, know-how, information about existing, new or envisioned products, services and processes and their development and performance, any techniques, methodologies, pricing, technical information, computer software, business and financial information, unpublished lists of names, information, documents, and videos provided or shared by Company to Client. Confidential Information also includes information received by Client or Company from others which Company has an obligation to treat as confidential or from other clients of Company. All information which becomes known to Client during the term of the Services rendered under the Agreement, which Client would reasonably believe is Confidential Information or which Company takes measures to protect, shall be regarded as Confidential Information.


1. Deliverables.
As a part of the Agreement, Client will have access to the agreed upon products, and services in the consultation.

2. Relationship. This Agreement does not create an employment, partnership, or joint venture relationship between Client, Company, or Grundhoefer. Client shall not be considered an employee(s) of Company for any purpose whatsoever. Client shall not represent himself/herself/itself as an agent or legal representative of Company or as joint venturers for any purpose whatsoever, and Client shall not have any right to create or assume any obligations of any kind, express or implied, for or on behalf of Company in any way whatsoever.



1. Payments.
Client agrees to pay Company for Services as agreed upon during the sales consultation and as may be more particularly set forth or attached as a part of Exhibit A.

2. Chargeback/Refund.
Company reserves the right to consider refunds outside of the rescission period. If a client has questions about the agreement outside of the rescission period, she should submit his/her/its comments to Support@Alphaleads.io or call 813-203-2621. Client agrees not to request, advise, file a claim, or seek Client’s bank or credit card company for a chargeback for consideration paid under this Agreement. Client agrees to waive any rights Client may have under applicable state and federal truth in lending laws or otherwise (including, but not limited to, under Client’s credit card issuer’s procedures for resolving such disputes). Client agrees that any disputes that Client may have with respect to consideration paid hereunder must be addressed directly between Client and Company. If a chargeback occurs, Client shall have materially breached the Agreement and shall forfeit all remaining services that have not yet been performed under the Agreement. Company shall have no further obligation to Client. Further, the amount of the chargeback shall be subject to a finance charge in the amount of one and one-half percent (1 ½%) per month until paid in full by Client. Further, Company shall be entitled to recover from Client all damages, and reasonable and necessary attorneys’ fees, and costs associated with pursuing collection and/or recovery of the amount of the chargeback.

2a. This Agreement includes a Conditional Guarantee for refund. If a service package with a (120) day Conditional Money-Back Guarantee is purchased and then canceled within (120) days of the beginning of the contract term (the “Money-Back Guarantee Period”), you will, upon your written request to the Alphaleads Support Team (the "Refund Request”) within (120) days of such termination or cancellation (“Notice Period”), receive a full refund of all BASIC lead generation services fees previously paid by you to Alphaleads for the initial term (“Money-Back Guarantee Refund”); provided that such Conditional Money-Back Guarantee Refund shall be due to you only upon your compliance with, and subject in all respects to the terms and conditions. Requests for these refunds must be made in writing to the Alphaleads Support Team (support@alphaleads.io). Refunds will only be issued for basic lead generation and coaching services and will not include administrative fees, setup fees for custom strategies or other setup fees, nor will they include any fees for any other additional services. Money Back Guarantee Refunds will not accrue, and shall not be paid under any circumstances if you do not provide the applicable Refund Request within the Notice Period and complete the instructions outline for qualification.

To qualify for Conditional Money-Back Guarantee Refund, you must, within (120) days from the date of your enrollment, satisfy and duly furnish evidence of having met the following requirements:

* Submit weekly check-ins every Monday by 12pm EST

* Send 50 new reach out/follow up messages per day & track all leads

* Complete 40 sales calls and record them

* Send in with your cancellation/refund request to Support@alphaleads.io

While we cannot promise specific returns, we stand by our service with the following guarantee(s). 1. Company will consider a refund outside of the rescission period outlined below if you meet the following conditions. If you don’t earn back your investment in the selected program by its conclusion, you can request a full refund of your purchase amount. Because we are confident that when you complete your program you will be satisfied with your results, we have also established the following satisfaction guarantee: 2. If for any reason at the end of your program, you feel that you need additional help we will extend the time on your program and continue to work with you for up to an additional 4 months at no additional charge. To qualify for either guarantee, you must, within (120) days from the date of your enrollment, satisfy and duly furnish evidence of having met the following requirements:

* Submit weekly check-ins every Monday by 12pm EST

* Send 50 new reach out/follow up messages per day & track all leads

* Complete 40 sales calls and record them

* Send in with your cancellation/refund request to Support@alphaleads.io

If client refund request is within the proper notice period of, they have sent in proper notice of cancellation AND meet ALL three (3) of the above eligibility requirements (and can submit proof), we will refund the clients payments their request. This satisfaction guarantee supersedes all other agreements.

3. Charges.
Client agrees that their card on file will be charged on the agreed upon dates provided in Exhibit A. Subject to Section 1.3, Client also agrees that Company may withdraw smaller charges to the card on file for the purpose of recovering unpaid amounts owed by Client under the Agreement.



1. Confidentiality;
Ownership of Information.
Company will provide Client with access to Confidential Information (as defined in Section 1.2) that is used in the provision of the Services. Client acknowledges that Company will provide Client with access to Company’s Confidential Information only for the Term of the Agreement.

2. Non-Disclosure.
During the Term of the Agreement, and always thereafter, Client shall maintain the strictest confidence. Client shall never disclose, copy, share, disseminate, transfer, convey, sell, or discuss, directly or indirectly, to any person or entity other than the Parties to this Agreement, Company copyright information, trade secrets, intellectual property or other Confidential Information, except by express prior written consent of a duly authorized officer or director of Company. Client will not make copies, videotape, record, photograph, or use any other form of transcription method to copy in any way, in whole or in part, any Confidential Information or marked original copies of Confidential Information, copyright information, or trade secrets of Company. Further, Client shall use Client’s best efforts and shall take all reasonable precautions to prevent the disclosure of Company's copyright information, trade secrets or other Confidential Information. A breach of this provision includes, but is not limited to, each disclosure, sharing, dissemination, transfer, conveyance, selling, or discussion of any singular piece of Confidential, trade secret, copyright, and/or proprietary information.

3. Ownership of Information.
All Confidential Information shall remain the sole and exclusive property and proprietary information of Company and is disclosed in confidence by such Party in reliance on the other Party’s agreement to maintain such Confidential Information in confidence and to not use or disclose such Confidential Information to any person except the Parties to this Agreement. Each Party understands and agrees that such Party has no ownership, property rights, or other rights of any kind in the Confidential Information, trade secrets, copyrights, proprietary information, or other property of the other Party.

4. Non-Compete.
Client agrees that during the Term of this Agreement, and for a term of twelve (12) months thereafter, Client shall not compete in any way with Company which includes or is not limited to working for another company that provides lead generation, sales recruitment and training services, acting as an owner, principal, director, consultant, or shareholder in any company that provides lead generation, sales recruitment and training services. Since the Company currently conducts its lead generation, recruitment and sales business across the country, this non-compete agreement shall include the entire United States.

5. Non-Solicitation.
During the Term of this Agreement and for a period of twenty-four (24) months after the date of termination of this Agreement, Client will not in any way, directly or indirectly: (i) induce or attempt to induce any employee, independent contractor, agent, consultant, customer or client of Company to terminate its relationship with Company; (ii) otherwise interfere with or disrupt Company’s relationship with its employees, independent contractors, agents, consultants and/or customers/clients; (iii) solicit, entice, or hire away any employee, independent contractor, agent, consultant, customer, or client of Company; or (iv) hire or engage any employee, independent contractor, agent, consultant, customer, or client of Company or any former employee, independent contractor, agent, consultant, customer or client of Company whose work or agreement with Company ceased less than one (1) year before the date of such hiring or engagement. Client acknowledges that any attempt on the part of Client to induce others to leave Company, or any effort by Client to interfere with Company’s relationship with its employees, independent contractors, agents, consultants, or customers would be harmful and damaging to Company; provided, however, that any such persons who did business with Client prior to the date of this Agreement or whom Company agrees in writing may have a business relationship with Client are not subject to this provision.




2. Acknowledgement of Client Responsibility.
Although Company has full confidence in the efficacy of the Services contemplated in this Agreement, Company makes no guarantee of any specific result for Client based upon the services the Services that it is providing. Client also acknowledges that any testimonials of profits from current or former clients are not to be interpreted as typical results. By signing below, Client acknowledges their own responsibility in properly utilizing the Services provided in this Agreement to achieve the desired results.



1. Entire Agreement:
This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the Parties with respect to this Agreement, and all prior agreements relating to the Services hereunder, express or implied, written or oral, are nullified and superseded hereby.

2. Governing Law.
This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Florida.

3. Royal Reputation LLC.
Company does not offer any legal, tax, or financial advice. I acknowledge that I am responsible for my own actions and hereby release and hold harmless Royal Reputation LLC, and any of their staff, employees, officers, or agents from liability for any of my actions or comments. I accept my obligation to make full payment for the advanced trainings. I will consult with a tax professional about any potential write offs or deductions related to my purchase of this program.

4. Acknowledgement.
You acknowledge that success is dependent on a number of factors, including, but not limited to, attitude, persistence, and full participation in all phases of the Program. Royal Reputation LLC is dedicated to helping Clients become successful in the Program as the success of the Program itself depends on the completion and implementation by Clients of the strategies taught in the Program. By signing the front page of this Agreement, Client affirms an intent and commitment to learn and implement these strategies. By signing the front page of this Enrolment Form, Client affirms an intent and commitment to learn and implement these strategies.

5. Electronic Recordkeeping.
Client acknowledges and agrees that this Agreement may be stored in an electronic record keeping system in the regular course of business and that a printed copy of the imaged document may be used and introduced in any arbitration, litigation, or other proceeding, and shall have the same force and effect as the original, which may be destroyed.

6. Representations.
Client acknowledges that Royal Reputation LLC has made no representations or guarantees other than those expressed herein; Client has not relied thereon; and Royal Reputation LLC specifically disclaims any other representations or warranties. Moreover, Client recognizes and acknowledges that individual performance depends upon the individual skills, time availability, and dedication of each Client in the Program. Client acknowledges that Royal Reputation LLC is a training institute and is not offering a business opportunity or franchise and is not ascertaining the suitability of this Program for the Client. This Enrolment Form represents the entire understanding and supersedes all prior statements, agreements, and understandings, if any, either oral or written.

7. Law and Arbitration and Class Action Waiver:
The parties waive trial by court or jury. By signing this Agreement, you agree all disputes which may arise between you and Royal Reputation LLC, arising out of the terms of this Agreement or the relationship between the parties shall be decided exclusively in binding arbitration conducted by the American Arbitration Association. Arbitration shall take place in dispute in Tampa, Florida and governed by and construed under Florida law, except its conflict of laws rules. Client also waive his/her right to bring or participate in a class action against Royal Reputation LLC or its parent, affiliated companies, subsidiaries, agents, officers, and/or principals. Furthermore, you agree that by signing this Agreement you waive the ability to bring a class action suit.

8. Severability.
If any provision of this Agreement shall be held unenforceable such provision shall be limited or eliminated to the minimum extent necessary so that the remaining provisions of this Agreement shall otherwise remain in full force and effect.

9. Limitations of Use.
This Program is designed for personal use only. Client agrees that only the Client will use the Program. Client shall not resell or otherwise dispute the original or any copy of the Program materials in any manner or any part thereof, in any manner, and shall not allow others to do so. Any violation of this policy may lead to prosecution under state or federal law, or both.

10. Disclosure.
Royal Reputation LLC provides private training/services. Individual performance depends upon the individual skills, time availability, and dedication of each Client in the training Program. Testimonials shared are not typical. Any results shared are not a guarantee of performance but are merely examples of individuals who have implemented Royal Reputation LLC’s strategies and trainings. Because your background, education, and experience are different your results will vary. Unique experiences and past performances do not guarantee future results. Royal Reputation LLC and its owners, employees, contractors, and affiliates do not give financial advice and are not licensed by or registered with any federal or state agency AND ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR YOUR SUCCESS OR ACTIONS.

11. Assignments.
This Agreement shall be assignable by Company to any of Company’s affiliated entities, including Alphaleads, Eric Grundhoefer LLC, Rank K.O. LLC, and Royal Reputation LLC (the “Affiliated Entities”). Assignments to any other entities beside the Affiliated Entities will be void without the prior written consent of both parties.

12. Code of Conduct and Culture Policy.
At ALPHALEADS we are dedicated to fostering a work environment that promotes respect, inclusivity, positivity, and kindness for all of our clients and employees. Any abusive, disrespectful or inappropriate behavior towards any employee or client associated with ALPHALEADS will be addressed one time. If the behavior in question persists, the second occurrence will result in the termination of services and void any right to refund upon removal from the program.

By confirming your subscription, you allow Alphaleads to charge you for future payments in accordance with their terms.
